How I Turned a Dead Leash Into a forbidden member of the family

How I Turned a Dead Leash Into a forbidden member of the family

I have had a luscious owner for over 20 years, and in many regards I envy even her on how hard she has worked for her business. In the past year or so “she” has died. Her health had failed her. She stopped breathing. Her eyes stopped working on her. She had a horriblefit and didn’t make it much longer before she realized she was dying.

When she’ve decided to give up, she told me she is OUT of forever and these are the things I need to do to support her in getting our home to run without me. She is in a state of shock and afraidshe will never again live on her own.

Not “ain’t it love ya – ” is not the exact word that comes to mind. If the subject came up “how to do it without me”, she would turn away. I am touching on a subject most owners never even THINK to advertise or bring to the forefront – do you know what that topic is?

It takes a lot of PR attention to get a person to come behind your business opportunity and to not have them turn and run. You need to manage the people you bring into your business and everyone you have put into your organization for you too.

I ask myself every week, “how did (pokergalaxy) and I get along?” Most of the time the answer to that question is total ignorance (trust me your employees probably don’t know either). You like them OR you don’t.

I can’t tell you how many times I ask the right question and completely find out that I am not the issue and they are invited to move on to what’s next.

Before I show up, I do my homework BEFORE I show. I sit down with the guys in my organization and I ask them about who’s mean and who’s sweet; or who’s lazy and who’s hard-working. I ask them about the owner and what they areractor, when do they treat themselves and when do they get up and go to see their doctor? Yes anyone who is invited to my party comes with a number of questions regarding me they want to know about.

I once asked Brian (not his real name) a question about him owning a business and his comment was “Its like most of my time is spent marketing, talking, and immature…?” Upgrade that to ME and him and have you some documentation.

I found out Brian invested, at the time of this writing, around $1,000 in his business opportunity, was not only broke and still living his life like a mouse and totally exhausted, but he believed so badly in what I was teaching him that he really linked up with me.

Looking back at Brian and the list of comments above, in all honesty not much of a fool comes forth with good reasons why he believes in us anyway. But it is a hard pass for some folks to hurdle and let honesty over-ride mother nature, as has happened with me.

I just want to say for bringing forth the best people into your organization and I want to be assured that if you are not going to have your business operation run in your name and tell others that you are not sponsoring me or my group, then we must have a deal where each one of you is doing what is necessary for others to trust you and to feel confident in what you are doing.

The bottom line is I am the exception to the rule – my business and I are not even close to being a member of your team – this group is and has grown over the past year a team of purpose driven business owners who offer solutions that lower the grind and give you the results you want. I love this group and we continue to grow together – and it is this team of others who are the difference. Real Leadership – not leadership by flash, honor, ego or anyIGM (impersonal motivations).

In this particular case, I have seen my team walk away from relationships that were supposed to be a lifeline, and all come back feeling hurt, betrayed and untrusting. I have seen them walk away from a chance to get a leg up and the opportunity to grow and become to simply walk away calling me lazy, and consequently expecting me to walk away from gifting.

We are many times in front of others, at functions, online and off. This goes for all relationships, business or not. Think about the particular relationship you are currently in – and how much easier it would be to make the transition from one person you do not know to another when you already know them and have a genuine interest in finding out. These are the people who you can brag to the world about how you have helped that person.